Hylosil Instant Gasket (40ml)
- Product Code: HIG40
- Availability: In Stock
Hylosil Instant Gasket (40ml)
Acetoxy curing RTV silicone sealant
May not be suitable for brass. Other sealants coming soon.
Hylosil Instant Gasket is a Room Temperature Vulcanising (RTV) general purpose silicone sealant. Once applied the compound reacts with atmospheric moisture, to form a tough, durable rubber seal. It has excellent adhesion to metals, glass, ceramics and plastics. The compound has large gap filling properties which makes it ideal for application to non-machined surfaces and even as cast surfaces.
Hylosil Instant Gasket is resistant to oil, water and lubricants. It will remain flexible to withstand vibration
Typical Properties, Uncured Product
Colour: Translucent
Consistency: Non-slump paste
Cross Linking System: Acetoxy
Specific Gravity (DIN 53479): 1.03 g/ml
Solids Content: 100%
Extrusion Rate 3mm orifice @ 60 psi: 78 g/minute
Skin Forming Time at 23°C/50% RH: 6 minutes
Cure Rate @ 25°C and 60% RH: 3mm per 24 hours
Cured Product
Tensile Strength DIN 53505, S3A: 1.9 N/mm²
Elongation @ Break DIN 53504, S3A: 460%
E Modulus @ 100% Elongation DIN 53504, S3A: 0.4 N/mm²
Hardness Shore A DIN 53505: 22°
Tear Strength ASTM D 624, Form B: 5 N/mm²
Shrinkage DIN 53504, S3A: 3%
Typical temperature Range: -40° to 240°C
Ignition Temperature DIN 51794: 460°C
Instructions for use
Surface should be clean, dry and free from contamination such as oil or grease. Once applied in Gasket applications, the joint should be assembled without delay.
Care should be taken when applying the compound to ensure any excess product will not foul any internal channels and cause blockages. Any excess uncured product extruded externally can be wiped away with a damp cloth.
When stripping assemblies sealed with, Hylosil Instant Gasket carefully scrape away as much as of the cured product as possible. The remaining compound can be softened and removed using Silicone Sealant Remover.
Typical Applications
Hylosil Instant Gasket is a general purpose adhesive and sealant with many applications in building, engineering and the automotive industry. It has excellent adhesion without primer to metals, glass, ceramics and most rigid plastics. The cured compound is resistant to many solvents, oil, water and lubricants.
Handling and Safety Properties Not classified according to CHiP 3.1 2005.
Risk Phrases: None.
Safety Phrases: S26 & S28.
Information given on this page is based upon technical data gained in our own and other Laboratories and is believed to be true. However the material is used in conditions beyond our control thus we can assume no liability for results obtained or damages incurred through the application of the data present herein.
Tags: Hylosil, Instant, Gasket, Engine, Freeze, Core, Plugs, Steel, Brass, Stainless